Quick StartΒΆ

  • as a standalone application:
$ dropme
(dropme) whoami
| Field        | Value                  |
| user         | John Doe               |
| e_mail       | j.doe@example.com      |
| country      | UA                     |
| account_type | basic                  |
(dropme) ls -l
| type | size    | last_modified       | name                        |
| d    |         |                     | demo/                       |
| d    |         |                     | foo/                        |
| d    |         |                     | dummy/                      |
| -    | 1.11 MB | 2017-10-29 11:12:54 | Start work with Dropbox.pdf |
| -    | 19.0 B  | 2017-11-17 12:41:29 | bar.txt                     |
  • as a command with respective sub-command arguments:
$ dropme df
| Field     | Value           |
| allocated | 2.0 GB          |
| used      | 326.19 MB       |
| available | 1.68 GB (84.1%) |